RD variables

Relative demand, which is the firm demand divided by the industry average demand, will be predicted based on the following variables:

The scatter plots show that two independent variables do correlate to the dependent variable, which is relative demand. Relative advertising, however, does not correlate to relative demand very much.


A correlation matrix is needed to get a better understanding of the relationship between all of the variables.

  RD Prel Arel RD1
RD 1.000      
Prel -0.495 1.000    
Arel 0.382 0.417 1.000  
RD1 0.833 -0.248 0.170 1.000

The correlation matrix confirms, that Arel is not very much correlated to RD, in fact it is more correlated to Prel. It can also bee seen, that the independent variables are not highly correlated to each other.


A regression analysis reveals how well RD can be predicted using the independent variables:

Regression Analysis for RD, Using Prel, Arel, and RD1 as Independent Variables
Regression Statistics         It turns out from the regression analysis, that all independent variables are indeed independent, and the coefficients are able to explain roughly 95% of the values of Relative Demand
Multiple R 0.9785        
R Square 0.9575        
Adj. R Squ. 0.9568        
Observations 179        
Regression Coefficients        
  Coefficients Stand. Err. t Stat P-value  
Intercept 16.1300 0.4445 36.2862 0.0000  
Prel -16.4445 0.4441 -37.0255 0.0000  
Arel 0.7796 0.0269 28.9347 0.0000  
RD1 0.5334 0.0164 32.4615 0.0000    

Based on the table above, the following equation can be created:


This equation explains roughly 95% of all RD values based on Prel, Arel and RD1.